Study In Netherlands Now

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You name this country Holland sometimes and then also the Netherlands. Either way, this is the same or Netherlands has happened to be a noted study destination for overseas students in the past few years. They hold a novel pattern of higher university education that will prove to build better work systems in the near future. REG Immigration & Education has been working successfully on helping International students secure university admissions, and stay and work in the Netherlands every year.

In the European continent, the Netherlands owns some of the most innovative combinations of courses. This has helped many students find a new and well defined stream of professions in the globally competitive world. Today, almost 16% of the student community in the Netherlands hails from overseas and that is relatively a lot compared to all global study destinations.

It is time to secure your life with a quality education where the communities and culture that is pretty welcoming to International nationalities. If this is your concern too, then the Netherlands can be a choice. Here our team of overseas consultants in Kerala, guides and undertakes the needed formalities like university admission, visa application, and advice on immigration, work options, stay permits, family travel, etc

Some Notable Facts about the Netherlands that the Immigration agency in Kerala would like to share with you:

  • The Main Hub of Happenings: Amsterdam is Netherlands’s Capital, is populated, and the Dutch capital of the country.
  • University Count: Overall, there are 55 officially recognized universities, and they are ranked 9 th in terms of higher education quality.
  • Size: It is as per size the 22 nd smallest Country in Europe and is 135 in rank in terms of area.
  • Highest Immigration Rate: They have been having almost 112000 students coming from various International places
  • Official Languages: Dutch
  • Official Sport: Football
  • Currency in Use: Euro
  • Climate: Extreme climates

Why Netherlands is a good study destination for International Students?

Friendly towards Nationalities
Versatile, Modern Culture
Growing overseas population
Affordable Study Programs
Internationally Recognized Programs
Part-time work options
Research centric courses
After Study Work Permit
Who can Study in the Netherlands?

Students from all over the world can study and settle in the Netherlands. Be a part of the Dutch universities, choose your choice of course and we will help you to find the right direction in academics and work options in this country. Today thousands of International students are excelling in their path to research-based education, as the infrastructure and faculty at each college are exemplary.

With a multicultural student community to witness, all students will feel right at home and get to learn so much about each continent, culture, and nationality. This bred mutual respect and people learn to live in a globally unified environment. Whether you need to undertake a graduation course or a postgraduate course, we have got all the formalities streamlined for you.

How long can International students work and study in the Netherlands?

The Netherlands highly accepts that International students can study and also work during their study course. If you are a Non EEA student, they allow students to engage in part time employment. With our team, you will get access to how to get scholarships, and loan assistance and choose the best universities with your choice of programs.

  • Students from places other than the EU
    Students are eligible to work about 16 hours per week as long as the term of study exists. When the holiday is in, students are allowed to work full time with no restrictions. For voluntary work, there is no work permit needed.
  • Stay Back Work After the Study Period
    Once the studies are over, if students would like to work in the Netherlands and happen to come from outside the EU, they need to have a residence permit or work permit to work here. This can be obtained with ease, once the study programs have been successfully completed.
Am I eligible for a scholarship at Netherlands Universities?

With our expertise and continual guidance, you will know if you are eligible to let scholarships to study in Netherlands based universities.  The funding that you receive will help Indian students study and live affordably.

There are many universities listed for this purpose like the below ones:

  • Holland Scholarship: €5,000 per year
  • Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme: €10,000 per year
  • Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship 2020: €16,000 per year
  • University Twente Scholarships: up to €25,000 per year
  • VU Fellowship Programme: €15,000 per year
  • Radboud Scholarship Programme:  50% tuition fees
  • Utrecht Excellence Scholarship: percentage of tuition fee as per terms
  • Amsterdam Merit Scholarship: up to €25,000 per year

You can seek various courses of your preference, and we help you get your scholarships in the most streamlined manner. Let us know what you aim for and how you plan to manage your funds too. This way our team of Netherlands Education counselors will mentor you for the end to end application, documentation, and the entire travel process. Apart from that the complete walkthrough on how you relocate, apply for various costs, understand how to live in Ireland, and help get admission to the best universities in Ireland.

What are the most in demand Universities and professions?

It is a fact that Universities in the Netherlands are well-known for providing internationally acclaimed education for Post graduates, graduates, and research in all the niches in the present industry today. The top Netherlands immigration experts in Kerala guide you in receiving the best education Netherlands has to offer. Mostly, the demand is for healthcare specialists, mechanical engineers, creative niche innovative works, and tech based specialists. The best part is that almost all the courses are being taught in English and a large majority of the people can speak in English.

The following is a list of the Netherlands’ Top Universities that you can apply to:

  • Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
  • University of Twente (UT)
  • Utrecht University
  • Wageningen University and Research
  • Tilburg University

These are not only the ones, there are more. First, we advise choosing a course of study that aligns with your interest and the job scope in the Netherlands. Depending on the guidelines and tests of each university, the processes will be slightly different and that is where our consultants can keep you on track.

If you are planning to migrate as a family, then:

In the Netherlands, you need to apply for a course and have a student visa in order to bring the family also. Plus you need to bring the residence permit for the family and children once they relocate to the Netherlands.  The process can be completed quickly if the proof for the same is submitted on time.

top university

Study In Netherlands Now

Take your education to the next level of your life by studying in the top universities of your dreams. With step wise guidance from scratch, our study abroad agency in Kerala will help you find the right university, process the documents, remind you of the formalities to be undertaken and make the whole overseas study and immigration process a seamless experience.

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